Just recently, I noticed that my forum's members' UIDs skyrocketed to 1200 when there's only ~600 current members. I realize this might've happened when deleting spam accounts but it shouldn't be going that high!
So onto the question. Is there a way to rebuild the UIDs to how they appear in the Member List?
What do you mean by 'how they appear in the Member List'...??
Such as... the order the members registered in. Ascendingly. Sorry for the confusion.
What, so you want to change people'd UIDs to fill the big gap created by the deleted users, or...?? Sorry, I'm still not sure what you're actually trying to achieve here.
Eh, sorta. I mean, it does seem kind of awkward having the users' IDs doubling the current member count despite only a very few accounts deleted...
Well the UID is generated by MySQL automatically every time a user is inserted, so if it was at 1200, 1200 user have registered... it'd involve a whole load of queries to change the IDs on loads of tables, I wouldn't recommend doing it unless you really need to.
Even if he does, isn't Auto Incrementing going to still remember the last row?
Dikidera, you can change the auto increment value, and tell it what number to start counting from.
Never knew that, can you tell me how?
I am not trying to thread-jack.