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Someone has hacked my website and now I am getting this - SQL Error:
1045 - Access denied for user 'htmforum'@'i.p. addy was here' (using password: YES)
[READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server

any help would be great
You need to correct your database details in ./inc/config.php
I am unable to access anything........I usually edit everything in filezilla and cannot open any folders. The person who did this helped create a major part of the website and now has done this.
So you can't even login to FTP...?? You'll need to change your FTP login details in your host control panel then, or ask your host if you don't know how to do this.
Well I contacted the host. They did a backup and changed the login and pw, we were told they were uploading the site. The person I referred to earlier somehow hacked it instantly. There is to much work done by us and the members to just create another site. Any suggestions would be great...
Well you can't really do anything else. Next time you should be more careful on who you give your details out to.
If the person hacking the site was part of the team that helped build it then its possible that they put some code to backdoor their way in, so in essence, changing passwords etc won't really help you as already witnessed.

Do you have a backup of the database? If not ask the host for one.
Next change all your passwords, including cpanel, ftp, ssh, mysql and any other services you are subscribed to.
Next for the forum part, I suggest removing all the files and reuploading new ones from a clean download of your mybb version from here. Here you have 2 options, either install the new forum and merge the old database in to this installation, OR you can install it, then after installation, edit the config.php to point to the old database.
Once the forum is up, do an audit of all your users to find any user you don't know that might have admin permissions.
Once all that is done you should be good to go. Oh one more thing, do all the above in a location that is not publicly accessible to avoid the user getting back in if they are in the database.

This is just for the forum part, if you have a separate website too then you also need to audit the files there to make sure theres no backdoor in them.