2011-02-24, 05:39 PM
Aydien is new theme i`m working on!
I want your feedback for the forumbit:
![[Image: pre.PNG]](https://camo.mybb.com/344894fe7284b0dd9e63ac3e23c5c57ddb6b7f8b/687474703a2f2f7777772e77622d6465762e636f2e63632f696d616765732f7072652e504e47)
Note: I just want to show the style of the forumbit how it's going to be! The color will be changed i just want your feedback about the structure of the forumbit!
Please post feedback!
I want your feedback for the forumbit:
Note: I just want to show the style of the forumbit how it's going to be! The color will be changed i just want your feedback about the structure of the forumbit!
Please post feedback!