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When someone want to register he get this error on registration!
MyBB SQL Error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'remember' in 'field list'
INSERT INTO mybb_users (`username`,`password`,`salt`,`loginkey`,`email`,`postnum`,`avatar`,`avatartype` ​ ,`usergroup`,`additionalgroups`,`displaygroup`,`usertitle`,`regdate`,`lastactive ​ `,`lastvisit`,`website`,`icq`,`aim`,`yahoo`,`msn`,`birthday`,`signature`,`allown ​ otices`,`hideemail`,`subscriptionmethod`,`receivepms`,`receivefrombuddy`,`pmnoti ​ ce`,`pmnotify`,`showsigs`,`showavatars`,`showquickreply`,`showredirect`,`tpp`,`p ​ pp`,`invisible`,`style`,`timezone`,`dstcorrection`,`threadmode`,`daysprune`,`dat ​ eformat`,`timeformat`,`regip`,`longregip`,`language`,`showcodebuttons`,`away`,`a ​ waydate`,`returndate`,`awayreason`,`notepad`,`referrer`,`referrals`,`buddylist`, ​ `ignorelist`,`pmfolders`,`warningpoints`,`moderateposts`,`moderationtime`,`suspe ​ ndposting`,`suspensiontime`,`coppauser`,`classicpostbit`,`usernotes`,`remember`) ​ VALUES ('trial','885d8e64b7c3fc913317e98121665b5a','Oq6GIS6K','MFQd2drkC7qF6RrnnCpGzkic ​ vobUt13S9mf93uCNThxo2yZnxb','[email protected]','0','./images/avatars/default.png','remote','2','','0','','1298572924','1298572924','1298572924','','0','','', ​ '','','','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','0','0','0','0','1','2','li ​ near','0','','','','1332070176','','1','0','0','0','','','0','0','','','','0','0','0','0','0',' ​0','0','','0') 

Please help how to fix it ..!

Either you have MyBB 1.4 code running, or you have a plugin that was written for MyBB 1.4.
no i upgraded from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 ..
It's nothing to do with the upgrade from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2. The 'remember' column was removed in 1.6, so if your forum is still trying to use it, either you have files from 1.4, or plugins that are not compatible with 1.6.
i changed some from "1.4*" to "1.6*" ..
if i put again 1.6.1 it will work fine ?
No, you have 1.4 code running somewhere in your forum, either in the form of 1.4 plugins where the "remember" column was used, or code that wasn't updated.
(2011-02-24, 09:05 PM)WbDev Wrote: [ -> ]if i put again 1.6.1 it will work fine ?

No, as I just said, this upgrade has absolutely nothing to do with this error in any way whatsoever.

(2011-02-24, 09:05 PM)WbDev Wrote: [ -> ]i changed some from "1.4*" to "1.6*" ..

Right, there's the problem then, just changing the compatibility doesn't necessarily mean that the plugin will completely work on 1.6. What plugins do you have??
i fixed it thanks !