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Full Version: Removing icons?
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Pages: 1 2
(2011-02-26, 04:25 PM)WbDev Wrote: [ -> ]i mean do you need the tcat:
[Image: 8lRxh.png]
That would be great!

Do you need this or no ?
if you don't need the tcat

Go to:
Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Theme > Forum Bit Templates > forumbit_depth1_cat
and find & remove this code:
<td class="tcat" colspan="2"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_forum}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" width="85" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_threads}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" width="85" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_posts}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" width="200" align="center"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_lastpost}</strong></span></td>

after that go in forumbit_depth2_forum and find this code:
<td class="{$bgcolor}" valign="top" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap">{$threads}{$unapproved['unapproved_threads']}</td>
<td class="{$bgcolor}" valign="top" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap">{$posts}{$unapproved['unapproved_posts']}</td>
<td class="{$bgcolor}" valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap">{$lastpost}</td>

and put before every valign, width="" i made mine like this:
<td class="{$bgcolor}" width="85" valign="top" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap">{$threads}{$unapproved['unapproved_threads']}</td>
<td class="{$bgcolor}" width="85" valign="top" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap">{$posts}{$unapproved['unapproved_posts']}</td>
<td class="{$bgcolor}" width="200" valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap">{$lastpost}</td>
Thanks, that solved it Smile.
no problem Smile
Any way to get the above effect, but with tcat?

So you have the text ''Posts'' ''Last post'' etc.
(2011-02-26, 11:06 PM)Hatashi Wrote: [ -> ]Any way to get the above effect, but with tcat?

So you have the text ''Posts'' ''Last post'' etc.

If you simply wanted to get rid of the forum status column, you should have removed only this from "forumbit_depth1_cat":

<td class="tcat" colspan="2"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_forum}</strong></span></td>

And this from "forumbit_depth2_forum":

<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" class="ajax_mark_read" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}" /></td>
(2011-02-27, 12:39 AM)Steven Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-02-26, 11:06 PM)Hatashi Wrote: [ -> ]Any way to get the above effect, but with tcat?

So you have the text ''Posts'' ''Last post'' etc.

If you simply wanted to get rid of the forum status column, you should have removed only this from "forumbit_depth1_cat":

<td class="tcat" colspan="2"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_forum}</strong></span></td>

And this from "forumbit_depth2_forum":

<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" class="ajax_mark_read" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}" /></td>

Result Confused.
[Image: Untitled-2.png]
Pages: 1 2