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Full Version: ''Last post'' messed up?
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I'm using the skin ''Novus Ocean'', and my ''Last posts'' looks like this.
[Image: Untitled.png]

Is there any way to make it 2 lines or even 1 instead of the unnecessary 3 lines?

Or to remove the post title or something.
Go to:
Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Novus Ocean > Forum Bit Templates > forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost

and you must play with the code ( <br /> means to put it on a new line )
replace all <br /> with empty space and it will be on 1 line
Thanks so much for being helpfull in all of my threads man.

I appreciate your effort and help!
no problem i like to help Smile
Would it be also possible just to remove the entire last post window?

And how do I center the text to the middle?
Because its at left side now Confused.