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Full Version: MyBB SQL Error from Prefix
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Quote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'prefix' in 'field list'
SELECT tid, prefix FROM mybb_threads WHERE tid IN (639) AND prefix != 0

I got that when trying to move a thread. I recently installed a plugin that screwed the whole forum up, so I deactivated it, but it seems it left a few errors behind. I fixed a few of them similar to this, but this one I can't figure out how to fix.

Can someone help me?
The prefix column has been deleted from the threads table. What was the plugin you deactivated??
I see. It was this.

My prefixes weren't working so I tried to install a 1.4 plugin for prefixes to see if that worked. I guess the 2 versions got mixed up or something. /:

Is there any way to remove the part that looks for the prefix? As that is what I did for the other problem I had. I edited forumdisplay.php and removed a line that looked for the prefix table.
Instead of installing a plugin for prefixes when it's a default feature, it would have been far better to just make a support thread explaining what was wrong and we'd have been able to fix it...

You can just add the column back with this query:

ALTER TABLE  `mybb_threads` ADD  `prefix` SMALLINT( 5 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0' AFTER  `subject`;

Why would you want to edit core files for this...??
Well, I didn't need the prefixes that bad, and I'm a noob when it comes to MySQL. Blush

Thanks. Working fine now.