No matter how many times I rebuild the forumpermissions cache, it remains empty. As a result, none of the forum permissions are working properly. Anyone know what's going on?
Just an update on this (been discussing via PM); due to the setup of the forum (424 forums, 68 groups, custom permissions for lots of groups on lots of forums) it was having to store much more data than would fit in the table column in the datacache table; I mean I'm looking at the forumpermissions cache in the ACP Cache Manager now, and the word 'array' appears 500 times in the first centimeter's worth of the page's scrollbar, and the tab ended up crashing, there's an insane amount of data here. If all forums had custom permissions for all groups (which, looking at it, isn't far off what you've got), that'd be 424 x 68 x 380 (number of characters in each array of information), you're looking at a string 10 million characters long. I suggested to change the column type to be able to accomodate more data, which seems to have worked. The forum is still slow though due to the amount of data it has to load from the datacache table on every page load, so I've suggested trying an alternative cache handler.
Started a new forum on the same server, merged everything, and no forumpermissions cache even exists. It's no where to be found. We're baffled.
I think there's a bug with the merge system that means the cache isn't rebuild, just rebuild it in the cache manager in the ACP and it'll come back. You might need to run that query to make the column larger again though.
Unfortunately, it doesn't even appear in the ACP cache manager. It's like it doesn't exist.
Just save some forum permissions then and it should come back.
Ok, I rebuilt the cache, but it still shows as follows (see attached).
Have you run the query to make the column larger again??
That should fix the problem, yes. After this was identified as an issue on the first site, the main issue we had with this one was that forumpermissions was empty. But thankfully, you've cleared that one up for us, as well. Thank you!
Perhaps Dylan could code the merge system to test the maximum column size on the server? I know that 60+ usergroups is unusual, but it is in the realm of possibility.