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Hello all. I am using the following code below to hide content I want from guests.

<if $mybb->usergroup['gid'] == 2 || $mybb->usergroup['gid'] == 3 || $mybb->usergroup['gid'] == 6 || $mybb->usergroup['gid'] == 4 || $mybb->usergroup['gid'] == 12 then>

I know there HAS to be a smaller code because I used to use it but then I lost it. What it did, was displayed to every group except 1 (guests).

Try this. What this'll do is check if the user has a uid.

<if $mybb->user['uid'] then> </if>
Replace above with this;
<if $mybb->user['usergroup'] != 1 then>SHOW_CONTENT_HERE_TO_ALL_GROUPS_EXCEPT_GUESTS
What what this be if I wanted to ONLY show content to guests?

if (in_array($mybb->user['usergroup'], array(1,2,5,7)))
    //Content Here

Show content to guests:

<if $mybb->user['usergroup'] == 1 then>


<if $GLOBALS['mybb']->user['usergroup'] == 1 then>
Makes perfect sense! Thanks!