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Full Version: Registering
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Every time i finish registering a new account i keep getting this error and the account isnt make
You are either not logged in or do not have permission to view this page. This could be because one of the following reasons:
You are not logged in or registered. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to login.
You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
Your account may have been disabled by an administrator, or it may be awaiting account activation.
You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or links.
Check if your Registration option is enabled in "User registration and profile options" settings.
Its says that registration is enabled
So what's the last thing you do before you get that...?? What stage of the registration process??
got fully past registering but after it was completed i got that error and the user wasn't added to the database
And does the URL still say member.php when the error shows?? Because at no point in the code for registering does it run code to display this error, so you must have non-default code running here if this happens when the URL still says you're on member.php. What's your URL??
Matt can i PM you the url????
I have sent you the URL to my forum
OK, you must have non-default code running if it's doing this...

To rule out plugins as a cause of this issue, please try the following. In ./inc/init.php, find the code:

define("TIME_NOW", time());

After this code, add this:

define("NO_PLUGINS", 1);

Then save and/or reupload this edited version of the file so the forum will run the new code.

This edit will stop plugins being run when a page on the forum is loaded; it will not edit, delete or reset any content the plugin has added or changed, it will just temporarily stop the plugins being loaded, so some features on your forum may be temporarily missing or broken whilst this code is in place. When you remove this code, plugins will work again exactly as they were before. This change helps us to see if a plugin is the cause of a problem, without you having to manually deactivate every single plugin, which would mean you may lose data from them.

If your issue is fixed when this code is added, then the cause of your issue is a plugin; please post a list of your plugins and we will try and help you find which one it may be. If the problem still happens with this code added, then it is unlikely a plugin is the cause, in which case we will investigate the issue further.

Thank you.
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