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I've been trying to convert a users table of a MyBB website to another MyBB website but with no success. It converted the user groups table well but not the users one (175 users).

Every time I try, no matter how many per page or if automatic or not and what browser, I always get a connection problem.

I've done some search but no luck either. Can someone help me please?


After debugging a bit, it seems the error appears when $result = $module->import(); is run (index.php).

Edit again:
More precisely in the mybb's users.php file:
			// Get members
			$query = $this->old_db->simple_select("users", "*", "", array('order_by' => 'uid', 'order_dir' => 'asc', 'limit_start' => $import_session['start_users'], 'limit' => $import_session['users_per_screen']));
			while($user = $this->old_db->fetch_array($query))

No idea why it's happening though.

It seems the problem is in one of the rows..gotta check these 175

Found the problem, password field is empty because of previous vB -> MyBB conversion.
Weird, I don't see why an empty password would cause this. MMmmMM. At least not THAT problem. I can see why users would have trouble logging in later, but not why you would get a connection reset from it.
I have no idea but it fixed it. I'm getting the same problem but with the posts table now but I've fixed empty fields already. Anyway to save me trouble I'll modify the converter to convert the posts I need only and if I get any errors, I'll see what I can do.