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Full Version: Change Hosts with only a Backup
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I'm using my old forum database (don't even know what version) and I want to make a new forum and upload it. I only have the backup. As in, if I followed these steps:

1. Backup you website files/folders
2. Export your current database as a .sql file using phpmyadmin.
3. Upload your backed up files to you new host
4. Create a new database at your new host (in cPanel or whatever your new host uses)
5. Import your .sql file to your newly created database.

I cannot do step #1. How do I install the backup? I always gets errors (that I will reproduce if their is not a known solution). It is always things like missing tables (something with datacache?). I tried installing a recent backup on a different forum and it works fine so who can help?

it means, all of the file of your forum.
...what? I know what it means. I'm saying I cannot do #1
Upload a blank copy of the same version and install it. Then restore the mysql backup over the new database. do I find older versions of Mybb?
(2011-04-02, 04:38 AM)BitzDefender Wrote: [ -> ] do I find older versions of Mybb?
Right, so you have the database but no files, or...?? If you're getting errors about a missing table then either you're not importing the backup to the database that is set up in ./inc/config.php, or the backup is just incomplete.
Just login your Hosting panel and goto some option like Backup Manager and do a full backup from there,it would have all the directories of your site as well as MySQL databases.
(2011-04-02, 01:28 PM)crazy4cs Wrote: [ -> ]Just login your Hosting panel and goto some option like Backup Manager and do a full backup from there,it would have all the directories of your site as well as MySQL databases.

I said I do not have the directories and cannot get them.

I'll try it now using older forum software and upgrading.
This is the exact error:
I think I know why..all the tables are renamed -_-
So the table prefix that you've got set in ./inc/config.php matches the prefix of all the table names?? If you've imported a backup the names are going to be exactly the same as what they were before... you don't need to do anything with older versions of MyBB here at all. Explain the exact process you're taking, I think you're making this more complicated than it actually is.
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