2011-04-01, 01:47 AM
I'm using my old forum database (don't even know what version) and I want to make a new forum and upload it. I only have the backup. As in, if I followed these steps:
1. Backup you website files/folders
2. Export your current database as a .sql file using phpmyadmin.
3. Upload your backed up files to you new host
4. Create a new database at your new host (in cPanel or whatever your new host uses)
5. Import your .sql file to your newly created database.
I cannot do step #1. How do I install the backup? I always gets errors (that I will reproduce if their is not a known solution). It is always things like missing tables (something with datacache?). I tried installing a recent backup on a different forum and it works fine so who can help?
1. Backup you website files/folders
2. Export your current database as a .sql file using phpmyadmin.
3. Upload your backed up files to you new host
4. Create a new database at your new host (in cPanel or whatever your new host uses)
5. Import your .sql file to your newly created database.
I cannot do step #1. How do I install the backup? I always gets errors (that I will reproduce if their is not a known solution). It is always things like missing tables (something with datacache?). I tried installing a recent backup on a different forum and it works fine so who can help?