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(2011-04-05, 11:13 AM)Aries-Belgium Wrote: [ -> ]Strange, it's working fine here on 1.6.2

Please check if you have all the following files in the correct location.

/path/to/mybb = location of your mybb installation.

Yep... al the files are there. Checked twice...HuhHuhHuh

Perhaps there is a conflict with another plugin? Here they are, just in case.

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Can you take a screenshot of your AdminCp in Configuration, please?
Here it is. This is what I see when I click on the (invisible) box below "Security Questions".
It looks as if it doesn't have the language file...
You didn't upload the inc/languages/english/admin/ file for this plugin.
If the files are in the correct location. Please check if the permissions are correct. Make sure everyone has reading permission.
I have checked again, but it is there.
Dimension 2337 (so it's not empty).
(2011-04-05, 11:52 AM)Aries-Belgium Wrote: [ -> ]If the files are in the correct location. Please check if the permissions are correct. Make sure everyone has reading permission.

Hem... what do you mean?
I have loaded the other plugins and I have never had a problem.
Yeah, normally their shouldn't be a problem but that the only thing I can think of atm.

Are you working on your localhost or a remote location? If you are working on a remote location, you can PM me your FTP information and I will take a look what could be wrong, if you wish.

Try to change the language of the AdminCP.
AdminCP > Configuration > Settings > Control Panel Settings (global).
Kudoz do Aries-Belgium!!! The problem was the language in the Admin Panel. It has to be set to English... Anyway, once that's done it works fine (once you understand what is going on... but that's meSmile
Pages: 1 2