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Full Version: Setting up MyBB with Godaddy
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Hi all, hope this is in the right place. This is a question geared for the people using MyBB with Godaddy.

I followed Tachu's handy guide to setting up MyBB and am stuck at one part. I already have everything uploaded and all the correct permissions set, but on the Database Configuration screen (under the MyBB setup), I am not sure what to enter for each field:

[Image: bb.jpg]

In the host section, would I put my web address? And if so, a specific directory? (Examples would help.) Also, Godaddy's MySQL setup is a little strange... When I'm creating one, all it prompts me for when making a new database is to create a username and password. So for MyBB I'm not entirely sure what I should put for Database Name and Table Prefix. Under Godaddy, should I create a table under my database, and if so, what should I name it and how many fields should it have?

Thanks for your help, and if this isn't clear enough, I'll try to be clearer.
For the host section, it refers to the database hostname. See GoDaddy's help for more information:

In regards to the database name, database username and database password, you can view the following GoDaddy help page:

With the table name, you can leave it blank. The only real use for it is if you want to run several copies of MyBB in the same database or have existing tables in your database which conflict with MyBB ones.

Sorry I can't be of more assistance - I've never used GoDaddy myself.
Awesome, thank you so much. Your advice totally helped!