2011-04-14, 12:55 AM
Hello, I have been getting this error:
I was told by a GoMobile Plugin Manager to delete my mybb_threads file in phpmyadmin, now i get this error, i do have a recent database backup but it is still about 3-5 days old.
My specs:
MyBB V: 1.6.2
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
SQL Error:
1146 - Table 'youmodsc_MyBB.mybb_threads' doesn't exist
SELECT COUNT(*) AS newthreads FROM mybb_threads WHERE dateline > '1302655646' AND visible='1' AND closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
Please contact the MyBB Group for support.
I was told by a GoMobile Plugin Manager to delete my mybb_threads file in phpmyadmin, now i get this error, i do have a recent database backup but it is still about 3-5 days old.
My specs:
MyBB V: 1.6.2