MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Limit Links In Singatures
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So as every person who has ever tried to get traffic to their forum from Google, a common part of SEO is how many OBL (out bound links) you have on your pages. If you have lots of OBLs, then Google could count your site as spam and rank it lower.

Several people sign up to your forum with links in the signature, and spam. I want to make it so I can choose what user groups can have links in their signature. There should be a setting, all it has to be is a scroll menu where I can hit CTRL + click on each user group in the list who I want or don't want to have the ability to put links pointing to outside the website. Sure, they can promote their own sales threads and other stuff on the domain, but nothing should be linking to outside the forum.

vBulletin has this on the admin panel default as far as I know and it is commonly used. If you have made this plugin already or are going to make it, I will buy a subscription to your forum or whatever, just link me to the thread of this plugin.

