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Full Version: how can i transfer my files and my backup file to a new host
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how can i transfer my files/mybb board to a new host and how i can manage my backup file? and how can i put the backup file in/on my new host?
2.requesting welcome message thank can i put the timezone of our country in/on the whole board? please answer it by number. thanks
3. Admin CP > Configuration > Date and Time Formats > Default Timezone Offset.
thanks sir. so how i can change it to canada time? still like the extra chatbox style time? right? thaks sir...
I'm not sure about Canada's timezone, you're the one who should know it. But by my research you would have to select GMT -5:00 hours and then set Day Light Savings Time to Yes.

And yes, the time will be the same in your chatbox I believe.
wahaha i alredy change it to 8hours my time should be 11:10pm but when i make a post the time is 3:50pm
i got it now sir thanks. where did you search it? can you post the link?

Like I said, GMT -5 and DST enabled.
thanks sir. off topic about my thread. how can i make automatic merge my thread? just like here in mybb forums when i bump my newly post it will automatic merge my reply
Admin CP > Configuration > Posting > Post Flood Checking > On.

And right below it is Post Flood Time where you set the time (in seconds) users have to wait between posting.

thanks sir all done