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Full Version: Message POsting Internal Server Error
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I've never been able to access my server error log in shared hosting, so I don't think you can do it either.. unless your host does something different than mine did.

Contact your host, and ask then to check the server error log. Also try the following, as a plugin may be causing the issue:

In ./inc/init.php, find:
define("TIME_NOW", time()); 

Add after:
define("NO_PLUGINS", 1); 

If it works after doing this, then a plugin is causing the issue, and you will need to disable plugins one by one to see which one is causing the issue.
(2011-04-16, 07:33 AM)Joshua Mayer Wrote: [ -> ]I've never been able to access my server error log in shared hosting, so I don't think you can do it either.. unless your host does something different than mine did.

In cPanel: Logs >> Error Log
That only shows errors such as 404's for me, not 500's.
(2011-04-16, 09:03 AM)Joshua Mayer Wrote: [ -> ]That only shows errors such as 404's for me, not 500's.

Shows 500's for me. Undecided Probably due to the way your host is setup.
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