MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Why are the recent thread views way off?
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The typical number of thread views started to explode (!) here at earlier this year.
Here is one example, from a thread started recently:
Replies / Views
23 / 4,166

Now an example from a "random" forum (on a different domain) with much higher numbers of members and guests online:
Replies / Views
32 / 547

'Semi-Dead' forums (for example) will sometimes have stats like these...
Replies / Views
1 / 2387
...since the threads stay visible for so long.

(I "waited" several weeks before mentioning it)
  • Based on the average number of people online, the (recent) stats here are highly unlikely and almost certainly not correct.

Just curious, what could be the likely cause?

Search engine spiders and spam bots crawling our site possibly?
OK, thanks Tim.
It's odd how much it accelerated recently, IMO.
I believe there is an official MyBB Community Twitter page that posts new threads to the page, so you'll also have the Twitter bots and users going through the links.
This Twitter account isn't official...
(2011-04-16, 12:12 PM)Shukaku Wrote: [ -> ]I believe there is an unofficial MyBB Community Twitter page that posts new threads to the page, so you'll also have the Twitter bots and users going through the links.

I assume that uses RSS though...

And this is the only official MyBB twitter account
Not sure how it works tbh. I know it posts new thread data to the twitter page though.

And that's what I was sure of, I'm even following the official twitter of MyBB Toungue
I stopped twittering threads. As soon as a thread was twittered, immediately the thread got 50 hits at least. This number grows as you get more twitter followers. At a certain point it was not maintainable (resource wise), it looked fake, and it didn't bring new users.