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Full Version: [img] Error
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I am not sure what's wrong with this thing but, when a user uses the [img] tag, it attempts to turn it into HTML and screw up.

Go to: ACP > Tools and maintenance > File Verification > and run. Show the files appears in Red.
Post the actual MyCode they're putting into that post, looking at the page source it looks like it's just malformed.
So, I'm a Photoshop artist, and I'm posting my recent signatures here:

Medal of Honor (Request for another person on another forum):



Crysis Signature (Request for another person):

As an extra, here's something I made in Cinema4D:

Good vs Evil:


Those are all.
Now you see I have some experience in art/graphics, because I love imagination/creativity.

Anyways, please rate and comment.

inc/languages/english/misc.lang.php Changed
inc/languages/english/usercp.lang.php Changed
inc/languages/english/global.lang.php Changed
inc/languages/english/member.lang.php Changed
jscripts/editor.js Changed
images/smilies/confused.gif Changed
images/smilies/blush.gif Changed
images/smilies/wink.gif Changed
images/smilies/biggrin.gif Changed
images/smilies/smile.gif Changed
images/minion.gif Changed
images/star_rating.gif Changed
images/avatars/invalid_url.gif Changed
images/minioff.gif Changed
images/star.gif Changed
images/miniofflock.gif Changed
portal.php Changed
I'm assuming the edit to jscripts/editor.js was the overlapping fix? Try re-uploading that file anyway.
It was the overlapping fix. I will when I have access to an FTP software.
You must have a plugin or some other non-default code running here as it's turning the 'Derp' bit of the image URL into a username link, MyBB isn't going to do that by default.
(2011-04-17, 08:42 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]You must have a plugin or some other non-default code running here as it's turning the 'Derp' bit of the image URL into a username link, MyBB isn't going to do that by default.

I never would've figured that out. Toungue
OH! I have a mod that automatically turns usernames into a clickable form. Thanks man. Solved.