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Full Version: Modify Unread Posts
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So it really annoys me when I login next time and no posts have been made, yet I have so many unread posts. Is there any way for unread posts to be marked as read everytime you log off where it's per session? What I mean by per session is, if someone makes a post in a forum during I being online, it say "NEW POST".

uhmm, this is really confusing, can you tell more about it?
Currently: You login with 0 new post and another person makes 5 new posts while your logged in. But you dont read them. You login the next day, it still says those posts are unread.

I want: You login with 0 new post and another person makes 5 new posts while your logged in. But you dont read them. You login the next day and it say 0 posts are unread.
You'd need a plugin, but this seems quite useless anyway.
I was simply asking if it was possible, didn't ask for a comment. Thanks anyways.

Thanks Yaldaram! I like that site, thanks for the URL. Toungue

Solved > Closed