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Full Version: Usergroup Subscriptions via PayPal?
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Hello, I'm working on a board where users will be able to purchase a premium group via paypal, and subscribe to it for 1 month, or a discount with months in bulk.

I, however, don't see this option anywhere. Sad
May I please be redirected to a mod of some sort? Or is there a way to make a group purchasable via MyPlaza Turbo??

If there's no possible way to do this atm, how much do you guys think it would cost for someone to code it?
(2011-04-19, 01:43 AM)Solidus Wrote: [ -> ]
Subscription required.

Oh dear, I'm running 1.4.x Confused
Ahh... D:

For 1.4. Subscription required.
Was just looking at that, thanks though. Smile
I'm also fairly certain I tested my subscription plugin on 1.4 and it worked, if you need alternatives.
Where can I find your subscription plugin? It would be great if I could have my hands on it. :3
I actually subscribed to MyBB Central JUST for MyIPN and they haven't even promoted me. Confused

Edit: Found it in
Hopefully I don't have to be a subscriber to download it or something... Confused
Registering to see if it works. Smile
Well if you already subscribed there you may as well just wait, but mine can be found here:
I posted, please help me out with my problem? :3