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Sometimes it even goes at 90% PHP, does that mean something is wrong with my forum? D:

It seems to run pretty fast, anyway.
No, nothing is wrong unless your executions times are high. As for testing it, you don't need to. If it happens on every or almost every page its going to be a frequently loaded external inc/* file, such as inc/functions.php. If its just one page, then its something on that page and anyone with PHP knowledge would be able to look at the page and find anything glaringly wrong with the loops pretty quickly. Its best though if you just come here to the forums if there is an issue.
Execution times are the 'Generated in 0.0831239 seconds ' right?

Yeah, it's above 80 on all the pages. Thanks for the help.
Is 2 seconds high execution time?
2 seconds is a little high, depends on what you're doing.

Renegader's is less than a second, but I assume his is a fairly new forum. My forum takes between 8/10ths (0.8) and 1 second to load some pages, but those pages have a lot of content on them too. Many are very graphics & code (special private plugins, one of which needs a caching function added to it) intensive.
Looks normal to me, i have similar on most pages, except forumdisplay.

Forumdisplay (50 threads) Generated in 0.2793522 seconds (25.00% PHP / 75.00% MySQL)

Showthread (15 posts per page) : Generated in 0.2135241 seconds (95.85% PHP / 4.15% MySQL)

Index : Generated in 0.0363500 seconds (94.90% PHP / 5.10% MySQL)

With 100-150 people online on a 1 Gb database (almost 1 million posts)
With the plugin that needs a caching function disabled I'm getting around 0.3 second page loads. I'd say anything under 0.5 seconds is fine...

Keep in mind, it also depends on how fast the server is physically too. How fast your CPU is. What type, speed, and amount of RAM there is. How many sites are hosted on said server. All of that affects it.
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