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Full Version: No Page Dropdown
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Hello, the page on the nevigation when vieweiing a thread with many pages in forum listing is not working heer's my link

Anyway, it just happen after I upgrade to 1.6.3
To rule out plugins as a cause of this issue, please try the following. In ./inc/init.php, find the code:

define("TIME_NOW", time());

After this code, add this:

define("NO_PLUGINS", 1);

Then save and/or reupload this edited version of the file so the forum will run the new code.

This edit will stop plugins being run when a page on the forum is loaded; it will not edit, delete or reset any content the plugin has added or changed, it will just temporarily stop the plugins being loaded, so some features on your forum may be temporarily missing or broken whilst this code is in place. When you remove this code, plugins will work again exactly as they were before. This change helps us to see if a plugin is the cause of a problem, without you having to manually deactivate every single plugin, which would mean you may lose data from them.

If your issue is fixed when this code is added, then the cause of your issue is a plugin; please post a list of your plugins and we will try and help you find which one it may be. If the problem still happens with this code added, then it is unlikely a plugin is the cause, in which case we will investigate the issue further.

Thank you.
Not fixed, the problem is still there.
please, help me, bump.
I believe its a bug in 1.6.3. I also faced the same issue when I upgrade to 1.6.3 from 1.6.2 on localhost.
Did you check for updated templates after the update?

Make sure your templates are all up-to-date

Make sure your files are all correctly uploaded

Lastly try reverting your multipage_breadcrumb template
There's no revert in the admin CP for that template but here's the codes

<div id="breadcrumb_multipage_popup" class="pagination pagination_breadcrumb" style="display: none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!--
	if(use_xmlhttprequest == "1")
		new PopupMenu("breadcrumb_multipage");
// -->

is this right codes?
Can you PM me admin login details?