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Full Version: Show best rated posts?
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Is there a way to show the best rated posts of the day, of the week, month and ever? It would be great if there was a plugin to do that...

If you must have it, there you go. But it will increase the queries on your forum like 300%.
I have that already, but what I really want is a best rated plugin...
(2011-04-20, 10:30 AM)Renegader Wrote: [ -> ]

If you must have it, there you go. But it will increase the queries on your forum like 300%.

That´s not true
It´s pretty optimized in newest versions, won´t hurt your host usage at all

I´ve got <prostats> tag everywhere in my templates with a shared hosting
Could some one try to answer my initial question please?

Is there a plugin, a tool, a mod, anything, that could show the best rated plugins?
What are you looking for? A plugin to get the rated threads and show X amount based on the number or ratings and overall score?

Do you want that as a custom page or as a table on index or portal? I am not sure, but I thought that rating only works at thread level, not post level, so you would need a post rating plugin.
Hi LeeFish

I wanted a section in the main page, or at the side bar, which would show the X best rated threads, not posts. The algorithm would use the number of rates and the value of the rate.
It shouldn't count low rated threads more than no rated threads.

it would be great if this could be done.
I've Custom designed such plugin months ago for a Customer, if you would like to purchase that mod, feel free to PM me here or at my site.