i've been inactive for how many weeks in my forum.
yesterday i login on Admin Panel, i dont know what happen but the Super Admin Username Changed.. i checked my phpMyAdmin on my host,. the username really changed, i'm the only one who has access on that account..
how can i change the password using phpMyAdmin and the username..
You have another Admin account so that you could change it from within the ACP?
There's no way to enter the password (clear text) into the db. You could only copy an (encrypted) password which you know.
Thank you linguist..

i just did the 2nd option. thanks!
It shouldn't be possible to edit or rename a super admin.
... unless one is logged in as that super admin, of course.
You can run the following SQL queries in phpMyAdmin to change the username and the password.
Change username:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `username` = 'X' WHERE `uid` = 'Y'
X is the username and Y is the user's uid.
Change password:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `password` = 'X', `salt` = '' WHERE `uid` = 'Y'
X is the password (which you must encrypt at
http://www.md5encryption.com/ first and then paste it in) and Y is the user's uid.
(2011-04-20, 12:59 PM)StefanT Wrote: [ -> ]It shouldn't be possible to edit or rename a super admin.
but that's what happen to my forum super admin account..
even thou it has a strong and complex password, still the username and password had changed..
it's kinda weird
i got my super admin username and account now,.
i just want to know how it happens..
Does anyone else have access to the Admin CP?
but not super admin..
i just set some selected access to him, that's all.
same access with my other admin account..(not super admin)
when i use the other admin account and try to change the password and username of SUPER ADMIN, it says i dont have permission.. that's why im wondering how does my Super Admin account changed its user and pass itself..
Admin CP > Tools & Maintenance > Logs > Administrator Log.
Go through the logs and look for the the username/password change.