MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: All x threads on this page are selected. Select all x threads in this forum.
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Everytime I go to one of my "forumdisplay.php" sections, all threads in the section are automatically selected.

Looks something like this:

Quote:All x threads on this page are selected. Select all x threads in this forum.
All x threads in this forum are selected. Clear Selection.

Any idea on how to stop this? It gets annoying because I have to press "Clear Selection" everytime I view a forum display index.
Try clearing your browser's cookies.
Go to: ACP > Themes > Your theme > global.css > and add the following code in it;
.hiddenrow {
    display: none;

.selectall {
    background-color: #FFFBD9;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: center;

save style sheet;
Yaldaram, your suggested answer will not resolve the issue.
(2011-04-21, 03:03 AM)Spencer Wrote: [ -> ]Yaldaram, your suggested answer will not resolve the issue.

Its actually not a browser's issue, its CSS code missing when users Upgrade from 1.4. to 1.6
Thanks Yaldaram, it worked. You definitely know more about MyBB than that other guy.
Yaldaram: Thank you. I upgraded forum from 1.4 to 1.6 with same problem.
(2011-06-11, 04:09 AM)RadstaR Wrote: [ -> ]Yaldaram: Thank you. I upgraded forum from 1.4 to 1.6 with same problem.

You're welcome =)
(2011-04-21, 03:03 AM)Spencer Wrote: [ -> ]Yaldaram, your suggested answer will not resolve the issue.

It will; it's because they're trying to use a theme made for 1.4 on 1.6 but it's missing CSS that hides these rows.
Is there a certain place in Global.css to place this code ??

EDIT *** Sorry ignore this, I worked it out***