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Full Version: Force PM notification when warning.
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There's an option for staff members to Notify the user when they get a warning. Is it possible for me to remove the checkbox there and force PM notification?

Also, how do I change the default PM title and content?
You need a plugin by the sounds of it
You're the owner of the forum, just tell them they must do it.
I'm not exactly an expert but it seems that it would be doable to change the form to have the checkbox hidden and checked, at least? Hopefully someone more talented can help you out.
Go to: ACP > Templates > Warning Templates > warnings_warn_pm > and find;
<label style="display: block;"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="1" name="send_pm" id="send_pm" onclick="togglePM();" style="vertical-align: middle;" {$send_pm_checked} /> {$lang->send_user_warning_pm}</label>

and Change it to;
<label style="display: block;"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" class="checkbox" value="1" name="send_pm" id="send_pm" onclick="togglePM();" style="vertical-align: middle;" {$send_pm_checked} /> {$lang->send_user_warning_pm}</label>

Now your mods must have to write a PM notification of that warning, and they Can't Untick the Checkbox any more Wink