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Full Version: After Login Redirect to Index page
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I was using 1.4.15 and recently upgraded into 1.6.3. Mybb default theme redirects back to where i came from after login but any theme i install it redirects back to index page after login.

As i saw default theme uses quick login passing member.php?action=login

But other theme uses member.php?action=do_login

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Did you run Find Updated Templates in AdminCP > Themes & Templates after the upgrade? Look at the differences and check what have been changed. If that doesn't include any custom changes you have made, revert back to the original template.
i have installed new theme Blue Overlay after upgrade. so revert is not an issue here.
Then just edit the template 'header_welcomeblock_guest' of the new theme and change 'member.php?action=do_login' to 'member.php?action=login'.
well thank you for your help, i already tried that before writing this thread. Anyway i have changed my theme.

I have been working on a similar thing - and just for other users who may be wondering, the reason that Blue Overlay uses the "action=login" is because the form layout of the quicklogin is in the javascript file. So to use that login you would have to reuse the existing login layout.

I would like to find the language file though so I can change the popup to "you will be redirected to the index" Smile

EDIT: Found it here :