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Full Version: Admin unlimited signature lenght?
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is it maybe possible to let a admin have unlimited characters for a signature? if it is how then?
There is a mod that might help:

Or just do this:

open the postbit_signature template. Its content should be:
<hr size="1" width="25%" align="left" />
Replace it with
<div class="signature">
open global.css and add:
.signature img {max-width:600px; max-height:150px; overflow:hidden;}
.signature {border-top: 1px solid #aaaaaa; width:100%; margin-top:1em; padding-top:0.2em; max-height:200px; overflow:hidden;}
okay but i also ment for just text based signatures Smile how can i make that unlimited for admins?
Open ./usercp.php file and find;
		if($sig_length > $mybb->settings['siglength'])
and Change it to;
		if($sig_length > $mybb->settings['siglength'] && $mybb->user['usergroup'] != "4")

Now your Admins have Unlimited signature length Wink