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Full Version: CPA/Config/RegistrnMethod/AdminActivation setting not working ?
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Nothing goes in the templates, unless you have some edit to show a message to the users who have not yet been activated.

Everything will be done in the users/groups section in the admincp.
(2011-05-11, 10:03 PM)- G33K - Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, an email will not be sent out if you are set as Admin Activation.
If you want users to activate their accounts as well as use the admin activation then you can set something like this up:
- Set registration to either Email Notification or Random Password (This will send users an email and they will have to verify their accounts or get a password to use)
- Remove posting and other permissions, that you don't want to give users prior to admin activation, from the registered group
- Create a new group which will be your actual registered group where users will end up after admin activation, this will have all the normal permissions.
- Once users verify their account, they will be placed in the Registered group for which you changed the permissions, so to do admin activation, you then move them to the new registered group you created.
You can also set auto promotions to automatically move the user to the new registered group after a number of posts

Looks like most can be setup at ACP.

Guess need to make sure am kinda understanding the process...

Guests may apply for registration, and if the process is SRP, then after the email is sent they are placed in the Email Verified (EV) group, awaiting them to enter the password they received in the email and start using the forum ?

If the process is AA, then they end up in the Registered User (RU) group awaiting AA.

So, if you used AA and EV at different times, you could end up with approved users in the 2 different groups, RU and EV ?

Per the process you described, we could change the EV permissions so, they could login, but in order to use the forums, they would need to be moved from the EV group to the Registered User (RU) group, upon AA, where user permissions would allow them to use the forum/s ?

Couple questions...
1. How to move a user from one group to another.
2. How to notify users of this extra activation process ? Perhaps an alert within the email message. Not sure where can edit that, and, if they miss that email message alert, how to alert them with an alert message, while in the EV group, if they try to use the forums ?

Still searching for how to do the above, but any suggestions, would be appreciated.

Thanks much.
1. In admincp, edit the user and there you can change the primary group.
2. You can use a plugin for that. To edit the email message its in the member.lang.php language file.
(2011-05-13, 09:17 AM)- G33K - Wrote: [ -> ]1. In admincp, edit the user and there you can change the primary group.
2. You can use a plugin for that. To edit the email message its in the member.lang.php language file.

Thanks again for the reply and help.

Sounds like I may be understanding the process ok, and will try your suggestions.
Probably will not get into the plugin thing as it usually goes beyond what I am able to work with technology wise.

Fortunately the akm forum is a fairly limited usage forum and somewhat of a test case for another project for a all-volunteer group effort.
We have IT volunteers, although stretched for time as with most volunteer efforts these days, should be able to work with the higher tech stuff.

Thanks to your help, think we can call this question solved.
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