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How do you change the Star_Rating image for a thread versus a forum view? Some themes have different backgrounds for different screens.
In your theme settings, copy this from star_ratings.css:
.star_rating li a:hover,
.star_rating .current_rating {
	background: url(images/star_rating.gif) left -1000px repeat-x;
	vertical-align: middle;

And paste it in the showthread.css and change the gif:
.star_rating li a:hover,
.star_rating .current_rating {
	background: url(images/star_rating_showthread.gif) left -1000px repeat-x;
	vertical-align: middle;

The image is a sprite image, so all three type of stars are in the same image. Start of the original to create your own.
But how is the star rating in the show thread now...when I don't see any of the code above existing in the showthread.css already? I don;t want to mess things up.
(2011-05-11, 01:13 PM)mrfield16 Wrote: [ -> ]But how is the star rating in the show thread now...when I don't see any of the code above existing in the showthread.css already? I don;t want to mess things up.

There isn't an entry for star_rating in showthread.css. In showthread.php the global css is used by default but we can override that in the showthread.css to have another type of stars in the showthread.
Thanks! I will try!
Made the showthread.css change as such.....did not change anything...same stars there.
But you appear to use the same image? "images/star_ratings.gif".
Open that image in your image editor to see how it is build. It's a sprite image with the empty, rated and hover image in one image. You also need to do something similar to create the rating for your showthread page, save it to another file and change the filename in the css.