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Full Version: Anyway I can donate to the Mybb support Forum?
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Not everyone wants it to be known that they have donated.
(2011-05-12, 02:20 AM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-05-12, 01:27 AM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]I still think they should give a special user bar or something to donators. Maybe it's tacky, but it works.

I agree somewhat, but at the same time your gonna get people saying "well i donated XXX, i should get even more." etc. The less you give the less you have to deal with.

That is true but then perhaps it would be a good idea to create different ranked Donation badges, it would encourage more people to Donate at least, I know a couple of Forums where members Donate from $20 all the way to $500. Seems crazy but to be fair people like badges, well some people anyway.
(2011-05-12, 05:56 AM)LeeUk Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-05-12, 02:20 AM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-05-12, 01:27 AM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]I still think they should give a special user bar or something to donators. Maybe it's tacky, but it works.

I agree somewhat, but at the same time your gonna get people saying "well i donated XXX, i should get even more." etc. The less you give the less you have to deal with.

That is true but then perhaps it would be a good idea to create different ranked Donation badges, it would encourage more people to Donate at least, I know a couple of Forums where members Donate from $20 all the way to $500. Seems crazy but to be fair people like badges, well some people anyway.

When you donate to the red cross at mall, or when ordering make donalds, do you ask for a pin?
As promised I have Donated some money now, simply because this place offers great support. The members are awesome and we need to help support it back.
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