MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Missing images on theme checked the folder and the files are there very odd
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I have these images missing on my Forum >

[Image: missing.png]

I have checked in the images/theme/toplinks folder and the odd thing is they are in >
[Image: inthere.png]

I have already deleted and then re added them, I have refreshed my cach. But no joy.

Lasty I have tried to add some smileys on my forum, I added them into the mybb smileys folder, all as single files but they do not go on my Forum, when I look in the mybb admin panel I can see this >

[Image: added.png]

If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great, I seem to have a habit of mucking things up at the moment. I will learn just takes time.

The first should be in images/toplinks/ instead of images/themes/toplinks/.

You have to give in the path to the smilies first. So for instance images/smilies/ or something.
You would need to add New smilies images path in order to install them to the forums. For more info:
(2011-05-10, 04:33 PM)Aries-Belgium Wrote: [ -> ]The first should be in images/toplinks/ instead of images/themes/toplinks/.

You have to give in the path to the smilies first. So for instance images/smilies/ or something.

Thanks I have got the Trophy image back, but when I add the Contact Us its not going on there, but then it was a plugin as was the VIP Subscription, si will I need to re download them and add them again or something.
(2011-05-10, 04:34 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]You would need to add New smilies images path in order to install them to the forums. For more info:

Thanks buddy Toungue