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Full Version: Prevent moderatos to edit or delete admin posts
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this should be intrinsic
(2011-05-16, 11:11 PM)adbrad Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe this should be moved to the requests forums, then one of the modders might see it and be able to offer some advice, Unfortunately i don't know how to code so can't help you.
Also you say mods, maybe you should be more precise do you want it just for mods/super mods or both.

anybody expect admins

so only admins can have power against admin posts

and i really can't belive . nobody knows how to code forum.
i hope someone can answer me soon
wow still no answer
wow still no solution
There is no solution because there is no plugin, go request one.
(2011-05-24, 05:04 PM)pyridine Wrote: [ -> ]There is no solution because there is no plugin, go request one.

i don't need plugin

i can directly alter php file where security check is made

so anyone who knows the forum structure can solve this problem in less than a minute
help please for this

So you want to disable the ability of editing/deleting the Admin's posts or Deny Mods from editing Admin's post ? I'm not quite sure.

Also if you wish you can give me your requirements/options to add to the plugin so I could write a quick mod for you.
(2011-06-04, 05:54 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

So you want to disable the ability of editing/deleting the Admin's posts or Deny Mods from editing Admin's post ? I'm not quite sure.

Also if you wish you can give me your requirements/options to add to the plugin so I could write a quick mod for you.

thanks for replay. yes i think only you can do this and not ignore me this time Big Grin

what i mean is if admin posted a thread or replay no one else but only admin should have power on that post or thread

i think this is a really important feature
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