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Full Version: How can I edit the mybb text editor?
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As stated, I want to edit the mybb text editor.
More specifically, I want to remove the pound symbol, email symbol, and the php symbol. Maybe add some stuff, I don't know. How can I do it? I searched the template and I couldn't find "editor_toolbar_insertables" (which is the div of the text editor) in any of the templates.

Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Could you provide a link to your forum, it makes it easier.
I don't see how it would, it's pretty self explanatory. You can take any mybb forum. I just want to know I can edit the text editor.

In fact, if you're at this page, and you hit "New Reply", you go to the text editor page. In the text editor page, "inspect element" (in chrome or safari) or view source the page. You'll see the "editor_toolbar_insertables". How can I edit this in the admin cp?
Still have no idea what you mean, I don't even know where you're trying to inspect.
You would need to remove some of the code from ./jscripts/editor.js. I don't have access to the files at the moment, so I can't tell you what you need to remove. Sorry :|
Take a copy of that file and save just in case you messed up...
then using a text editor, make the following changes to file ./jscripts/editor.js

1.Find and remove the following on line 229
{type: 'button', name: 'email', sprite: 'email', insert: 'email', extra: 1, title: this.options.lang.title_email},

2.Find and remove the following on line 233
{type: 'button', name: 'php', sprite: 'php', insert: 'php', title: this.options.lang.title_php},

Save it, now they're gone ;-)
Sorry, but where's the pound symbol? :O

EDIT: The above will only remove php and email options from the editor..
Hey thanks Aashik! Everything works, and the pound symbol is this "#" symbol in between the quote and php symbols.

Oh that you mean, just open up the same file again and then find and remove the following piece of code from line 232

{type: 'button', name: 'code', sprite: 'code', insert: 'code', title: this.options.lang.title_code},