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Full Version: Hidden Tag
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This plugin if for paid subscribers of, and is NOT advertised as free


Name: Hidden Tag
Author: Bencori
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: 1.6.x
Description: Allow you users to hide text based on post count


This plugin will allow you users to use a new BBCode: [hide][/hide]

It works like this:

[hide=50]This text is hidden to users with less than 50 posts[/hide]

It's very simple. It comes with a few settings. You can set a minimum posts for users to use this tag, though you can also make certain usergroups bypass this limit (no post limitation to use the tag). You can also make some usergroups be allowed to see the hidden content, no matter their post count.

For more information, have a look at the screenshots.








Will it work if i try to quote the post?
It's great! It is that I searched, thank you very much!

Just one thing: Do you think, in next releases, to add the option to hide contents for usergroups?

PS: There is something that doesn't go as it should...

In a thread I have:

Sentence1: bla bla bla
Sentence2: bla bla bla
Sentence3: bla bla bla

If I put the tag at the beginning and at the end of first sentence, it works but if I put the tag at the beginning of first sentence and at the end of third sentence, it doesn't work...
(2011-05-29, 04:08 AM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]Will it work if i try to quote the post?


(2011-05-29, 07:24 AM)Giangy94 Wrote: [ -> ]It's great! It is that I searched, thank you very much!

Just one thing: Do you think, in next releases, to add the option to hide contents for usergroups?

PS: There is something that doesn't go as it should...

In a thread I have:

Sentence1: bla bla bla
Sentence2: bla bla bla
Sentence3: bla bla bla

If I put the tag at the beginning and at the end of first sentence, it works but if I put the tag at the beginning of first sentence and at the end of third sentence, it doesn't work...

You're welcome. But I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean? You can hiden the entire thing?
Good work. Smile
Look at the attachment....
In this way, it doesn't work..If I put the tag [/hide] after "41,95€/mese", it works HuhHuhHuhHuh
Oh yeah, you're right. It's because I forgot to take the return to line in consideration.

Here's the plugin with the expression modified. It worked for me, let me know if it does for you. You don't need to deactivate, reactivate plugin for it to work, simply upload this plugin instead of the old one.

Won't be available to download on the mod section for a while until it's approved again, so I'll put two attachments: just the plugin for you and others that already have it installed, and the full 1.1 of the plugin.

It works, great! Thank you so much!
(2011-05-30, 12:46 PM)Giangy94 Wrote: [ -> ]It works, great! Thank you so much!

You are welcome, glad it helped.
Dont hide for archive and RSS
Pages: 1 2