MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Forum is locked - Icon on front page
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I know this has been talked about before, but I am still confused.

What does this mean ? No one can post ?

How do you remove it, if it is stopping registered users posting.

I am using 1.6.0 version.

Any guidance would be most appreciated.

Go to: ACP > Forums and Posts > Select that forum > Edit > and Under "Access Options", Tick that "Forum is Open?" option.

Users will now able to post in that forum respective to their permissions. Wink

Thanks for your reply, that's whats confusing me, they are ticked to say the forum is open. However the icon says forum is locked.
Can you please print the screen of that forum's settings page ?

Also make sure that its category (where this forum is Under) has also that option Ticked.

Sorry it will not paste on to here and how do you add an attachment.

Make a new reply: and attach an attachment here Smile

Here it is

Could it be just one of the forums under the main category is not ticked ?

It is a plugin on wordpress - cc forum
