Hi, I think you're forum software is great and easy to use. Is there a way that the forum itself can be for MEMBERS ONLY - in other words rather show the forum at start the viewer and user must register and then log in first.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
In the forum permissions for that particular forum, remove the View privilege for Guests.
ACP > Forums & Posting > Forum Management > (click your forum) > Permissions.
Another way is
acp>users&groups>groups>click guests to edit> untick the can view board option.
then as soon as a guest arrives at the site they will be presented with the login screen
Thanks for the fix. Very much appreciated. When going to the URL Can the login/registration be simplified to look like the admin login page? Or can
Your help greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
You've to edit member_login template to look like the admin login page.