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Full Version: 1054 - Unknown column 't.prefix' in 'on clause' (Urgent!!!!)
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i have error message: 1054 - Unknown column 't.prefix' in 'on clause'

and i dont know how fix it.
what to do?

Quote:SELECT t.*, p.displaystyle AS threadprefix, (t.totalratings/t.numratings) AS averagerating, r.uid AS rated, t.username AS threadusername, u.username FROM mybb_threads t LEFT JOIN mybb_users u ON (u.uid = t.uid) LEFT JOIN mybb_threadratings r ON(r.tid=t.tid AND r.uid='1') LEFT JOIN mybb_threadprefixes p ON ( = t.prefix) WHERE t.fid='4' AND (t.visible='1' OR t.visible='0') GROUP BY t.tid ORDER BY t.sticky DESC, t.lastpost desc LIMIT 0, 20

Did you upgraded your forum ? If so then you didn't Upgraded your forum properly. Run the Upgrade script again.
no, It happened when i adding prefix.
and i update the forum for 1.6.3, it's not help.
(2011-06-07, 01:21 PM)nirbe Wrote: [ -> ]no, It happened when i adding prefix.
and i update the forum for 1.6.3, it's not help.

That's what I'm saying, that you've Upgraded/Updated your forum improperly. A column is missing in the database. You've to Run the Up-grader script again;
(2011-06-07, 03:19 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-06-07, 01:21 PM)nirbe Wrote: [ -> ]no, It happened when i adding prefix.
and i update the forum for 1.6.3, it's not help.

That's what I'm saying, that you've Upgraded/Updated your forum improperly. A column is missing in the database. You've to Run the Up-grader script again;

it's still don't work...
What steps you are taking while Upgrading ?

EDIT: Make sure you've Un-installed all plugins before Upgrading.
(2011-06-07, 03:30 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]What steps you are taking while Upgrading ?

EDIT: Make sure you've Un-installed all plugins before Upgrading.

I deactivate all the plugins, and still don't work...
and steps install has only next..
So you mean you've added prefixes OK to the ACP?? Did you have a plugin for prefixes installed at any point?? Go to ACP >Tools & Maintenance > File Verification, run this, does it say any files are changed??
Quote:File Status
reputation.php Changed
search.php Changed
usercp2.php Changed
xmlhttp.php Changed
online.php Changed
showthread.php Changed
forumdisplay.php Changed
misc.php Changed
stats.php Changed
printthread.php Changed
managegroup.php Changed
polls.php Changed
memberlist.php Changed
showteam.php Changed
jscripts/validator.js Changed
jscripts/dragdrop.js Changed
jscripts/thread.js Changed
jscripts/editor.js Changed
jscripts/slider.js Changed
jscripts/effects.js Changed
jscripts/controls.js Changed
jscripts/scriptaculous.js Changed
jscripts/editor_themes/default/stylesheet.css Changed
jscripts/editor_themes/Office_2007/stylesheet.css Changed
jscripts/general.js Changed
jscripts/prototype.js Changed
ratethread.php Changed
portal.php Changed
newreply.php Changed
moderation.php Changed
usercp.php Changed
private.php Changed
warnings.php Changed
rss.php Changed
syndication.php Changed
modcp.php Changed
newthread.php Changed
member.php Changed
task.php Changed
sendthread.php Changed
report.php Changed

it's not related to files,
because if i install the new sql, the forum is work...
no matter, I managed.
It clearly is related to files, you have a load of files that haven't been updated, it says that right there in that post. I'm not sure what you mean by the 'new' SQL, but if that worked, then you wouldn't have upgraded properly in the first place, you've got mismatched files and/or database.