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Full Version: recent threads color problem
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Hi, Look at the screenshot!!! this is not my default thread title color.
I want to change it to my default thread title color. how can I change recent threads color???

[Image: 113447484b2f1a5f87db53cfeb65996e4e1e2d6b.jpg]
from where you've taken this screenshot ? I mean from forumdisplay ?
yes you are right
I install a plugin to show this.
Open plugin file and find this line;
		<a href="showthread.php?tid=' . $threadRow['tid'] . '&action=lastpost">' . $subject .'</a> '  . $lang->recenttopics_by . (!empty($threadRow['lastposteruid']) ? ' <a href="member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $threadRow['lastposteruid'] . '">' . $threadRow['lastposter'] . '</a>' : $threadRow['lastposter']) . ' (<a href="forumdisplay.php?fid=' . $threadRow['fid'] . '">' . $threadRow['name'] . '</a>)
and Change it into;
		<a href="showthread.php?tid=' . $threadRow['tid'] . '&action=lastpost"><div style="color: #fff;">' . $subject .'</div></a> '  . $lang->recenttopics_by . (!empty($threadRow['lastposteruid']) ? ' <a href="member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $threadRow['lastposteruid'] . '">' . $threadRow['lastposter'] . '</a>' : $threadRow['lastposter']) . ' (<a href="forumdisplay.php?fid=' . $threadRow['fid'] . '">' . $threadRow['name'] . '</a>)

Change #fff to what ever color you like to use.
thanks, thread color can I change User name color...because this is not also my default color....
Replace the above line with this;
		<a href="showthread.php?tid=' . $threadRow['tid'] . '&action=lastpost"><div style="color: #fff;">' . $subject .'</div></a> '  . $lang->recenttopics_by . (!empty($threadRow['lastposteruid']) ? ' <a href="member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $threadRow['lastposteruid'] . '"><div style="color: #fff;">' . $threadRow['lastposter'] . '</div></a>' : $threadRow['lastposter']) . ' (<a href="forumdisplay.php?fid=' . $threadRow['fid'] . '">' . $threadRow['name'] . '</a>)

Change #fff to what ever color you like to use.
but it ll not be my default username color!!
because I have different color for different users...
Open plugin file and find;

	while($threadRow = $db->fetch_array($query))
		$recenttopics .= '<tr>';
		$subject = my_substr($threadRow['subject'], 0, 50);
		$subject = htmlspecialchars_uni($subject);
		$postdate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $threadRow['lastpost']);
		$posttime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $threadRow['lastpost']);

		$recenttopics .= '<td class="trow1">
		<a href="showthread.php?tid=' . $threadRow['tid'] . '&action=lastpost">' . $subject .'</a> '  . $lang->recenttopics_by . (!empty($threadRow['lastposteruid']) ? ' <a href="member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $threadRow['lastposteruid'] . '">' . $threadRow['lastposter'] . '</a>' : $threadRow['lastposter']) . ' (<a href="forumdisplay.php?fid=' . $threadRow['fid'] . '">' . $threadRow['name'] . '</a>)
		<td class="trow1">' .
		$postdate . ' ' . $posttime . '

and Replace this all by;

	while($threadRow = $db->fetch_array($query))
		$recenttopics .= '<tr>';
		$subject = my_substr($threadRow['subject'], 0, 50);
		$subject = htmlspecialchars_uni($subject);
		$postdate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $threadRow['lastpost']);
		$posttime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $threadRow['lastpost']);

		$uid = $threadRow['lastposteruid'];
		$user = get_user($uid);
		$format = format_name($user['username'],$user['usergroup'],$user['displaygroup']);
		$lastposter = build_profile_link($format, $threadRow['lastposteruid']);

		$recenttopics .= '<td class="trow1">
		<a href="showthread.php?tid=' . $threadRow['tid'] . '&action=lastpost"><span style="color: #fff;">' . $subject .'</span></a> '  . $lang->recenttopics_by . (!empty($threadRow['lastposteruid']) ? ' <a href="member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $threadRow['lastposteruid'] . '">' . $lastposter . '</a>' : $threadRow['lastposter']) . ' (<a href="forumdisplay.php?fid=' . $threadRow['fid'] . '">' . $threadRow['name'] . '</a>)
		<td class="trow1">' .
		$postdate . ' ' . $posttime . '

You've to change #fff color again. See if it works ?