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Full Version: Change Theme Pieces
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So I'm using the theme which you can see here BlackEvo4 and I want to change a few things but I'm not sure how.

The biggest thing I want to change. If you visit the forum yourself and go to "Topic Types" you'll see I supposed they're called topic headers or splitters or something, they're titled "Forum Announcements" "Important Threads" and "Normal Threads"..these with the purple:

I want to change how it looks. The color or something. It's just too tacky. How do I change it/work with it?

Also, if you enter a topic in the link above you'll see in a post "Administrator" under a name and then 7 gold stars. How do I change those?
AND add a horizontal border under there, just a thin white or grey line under the stars to separate the user information from the post.

It would be GREATLY appreciated if someone could help me.

Your wanting to change the black bar that the text sits on? There will be a few images you need to edit:
"thead_bg.gif" - is the main bar
"thead_left.png" - is the left cap
"thead_right.png" - is the right cap
Not the black bar that the text sits on, but the purple around the black bar.
Oh Sorry.
If your wanting to change the purple to another color you would change:

.trow_sep {
color: #3D3B35;
background-color: #0A0A0A;  
border-bottom-width: 8px;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-bottom-color: #A467B9;   <-- This
border-top-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-left-width: 1px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-right-style: solid;
border-left-style: solid;
border-top-color: #A467B9;   <-- This
border-right-color: #A467B9;  <-- This
border-left-color: #A467B9;   <-- And This
Thank you very much. Would you (or anyone) happen to know about my other concern?
The stars will be "star.gif" in your images folder.

I wouldn't know the proper way to add the line.
When I changed that before, it only changed the post icon. That's where you're posting a new topic or I believe a reply and you have the choice to place an icon next to your thread title. I can't seem to find the one for ranks and status that goes under a name.
FYI - if your in chrome, right click on the image in question and choose inspect element.

Very cool tool.
What about in the latest firefox?
Ok I figured out the stars one. Could anyone tell me how to make the line visible that separates the under information from the post?