MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: [ADVICE] Forum Separate Login Page?
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Greetings! This is my first post here on and probably won't be my last for I am starting a forum of my own.

I am creating this thread for your opinion. If you go to my forum. HERE. You will notice my index page is not the basic MyBB forum index page. I have created my own index page with a php login box.

My questions are
1.) Does this page render well on your PC? I don't want to use this if many users won't view it correctly.
2.) In general, do you think it's a cool idea? Or should I make the default landing page the forum?

Thanks for your input! I look forward to being a member here.
users have to visit home then login page and finally forum page --> 3 steps
instead interested users will directly visit forum page with "remember me" option.

AND login page is not looking nice - it can be on home page
1. The register link is a bit outside the box for me. I'm running Chrome.
2. Not really, splash pages are pretty useless. Even with a login box.