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Full Version: 500 internal error
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Hi all

Ive moved my forum over to a new server and now when trying to access the forum i am getting a 500 internal error, anyone know whats causing this?

Hope someone can help

Ask your host.

Ite my own server im not on shared hosting

Please someone help Smile
Is it a 500 Internel server error or just a 500 internel error
(2011-06-12, 10:52 PM)whocky Wrote: [ -> ]Hi

Ite my own server im not on shared hosting

Please someone help Smile

Check the server logs then.

If i remember correctly its a file permissions error, though not sure what

Anymore help?

Anymore help?

Pi really do need it.

Well, we need the exact line from the log.

500 is a very generic error, it can be caused by any number of things.
Along with the server log, can you tell us which plugins you have installed?
A 500 error is like saying you have a stomach ache, there could be a hundred possible causes. The error log should say what's causing it.

If you think it's a file permissions error then just fix the permissions; by default folders should be set to 755 and files should be set to 644.