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Full Version: How to create a slideshow of all images in a forum (or on the server)
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I have an idea to create a page that has a slideshow of all the images ever uploaded to my forum. can I do it? There are many different directories that images are stored in so it would have to be some type of script that pulls from multiple directories on a server. Any help would be awesome! Cool
Are they are all in the same folder? Can you put them all? Otherwise is slightly a pain.
Sure it's possible but as mark said it would be easier if in one directory.
If you stored the images in different directory then it will be difficult, you have to store all the images in same directory.
(2011-06-14, 10:20 AM)chrisgayle Wrote: [ -> ]upload the images on and make it as sideshow, it's very simple.

Even for a spambot, thats a bad response.
(2011-06-14, 04:52 PM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]Even for a spambot, thats a bad response.

LOL you quoted them and left their link intact = mission accomplished.

If you want to do it from the MyBB Forum, all images uploaded have a similar URL structure. You would need to go through the attachment IDs and then figure out what is an image and what is not, then display based on that.
(2011-06-15, 04:12 PM)Zash Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-06-14, 04:52 PM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]Even for a spambot, thats a bad response.

LOL you quoted them and left their link intact = mission accomplished.

If you want to do it from the MyBB Forum, all images uploaded have a similar URL structure. You would need to go through the attachment IDs and then figure out what is an image and what is not, then display based on that.

It wasn't spamming photobucket...
Yes, it would be for all attachments, gallery images, etc...all in different directories. I've seen attachment image gallery plugins but I need one to pull from all my other uploaded sources! It's just a wish list item so no big deal.

I'm sure to someone that knows the script well and some PHP it'd be easy :p
I reckon this would be possible, but it would be slow with the method I have in mind. You could obviously cache the results though.