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Full Version: Clicking Login Redirects to Login page instead opeing login box
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When I click the Login button, instead of opening a quick box, it takes me to the log in... What should I do so that it opens quick loging box
Can you provide a URL please?
1. Go to Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Global Templates > dynamictotop.

2. Find:

<script type="text/javascript">
		$(document).ready(function() {
			var defaults = {
	  			containerID: 'moccaUItoTop', // fading element id
				containerHoverClass: 'moccaUIhover', // fading element hover class
				scrollSpeed: {$mybb->settings['scrollSpeed']},
				easingType: '{$mybb->settings['easing']}' 
			$().UItoTop({ easingType: '{$mybb->settings['easing']}' });

3. Replace with:

<script type="text/javascript">
		jQuery(document).ready(function() {
			var defaults = {
	  			containerID: 'moccaUItoTop', // fading element id
				containerHoverClass: 'moccaUIhover', // fading element hover class
				scrollSpeed: {$mybb->settings['scrollSpeed']},
				easingType: '{$mybb->settings['easing']}' 
			jQuery().UItoTop({ easingType: '{$mybb->settings['easing']}' });
Oh thanks... It worked.. You people are freaks... Smile
But still, it works sometime and sometime takes to the login page. Check a number of time
OK. I think I got it. There were %nbsp; codes in the black space when I saved the template. I just copied it to notepad++ and removed all unwanted codes, and i think its OK nw