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Full Version: How do you Change {$info}?
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How do you change, (for example) what {$forumstats} says?

I've tried looking through the inc/languages files but there's none...

What file/directory would they be in?

You can do quite a lot in the 'index_stats' template. I don't know if you have can read PHP a bit but you can look in the index.php file to see which variables you can use in the templates (starting from line 226).
I'm trying to change, for example,

"Please Welcome Our Newest Member" -> "Newest Member:"
You can change it in /inc/languages/english/index.lang.php
$l['stats_newestuser'] = "Please welcome our newest member, <b>{1}</b>";
$l['stats_newestuser'] = "Newest member: <b>{1}</b>";

Or change it in the template 'index_stats' if language doesn't matter:
{$lang->stats_newestuser}<br />
Newest member: <b>{$newestmember}</b><br />