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Full Version: Welcome message plugin
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Hey! Has anyone installed the Welcome Message plugin from the Mods site? I can't seem to get activated there, so was hoping someone here could answer this question. The plugin works fine for about half my themes, but it won't show up with the other half. Since this is supposed to be a global plugin, why aren't all the themes showing it? Can anyone help? Big Grin
Well really it depends on if the plug-in when you activated found the things it needed to find. try doing this
Go to Admin CP -> templates -> Modify / delete -> *the template name that doesn't work* -> header -> edit.
add after:
hmmm...I can't find the $header anywhere. Even checked one of the themes where the plug in works. Following is the header from one of my themes where the plug in doesn't work:

Quote:<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
var cookieDomain = "$settings[cookiedomain]";
var cookiePath = "$settings[cookiepath]";
var quickdelete_confirm = "$lang->quickdelete_confirm";
var newpm_prompt = "$lang->newpm_prompt";
var deleteevent_confirm = "$lang->deleteevent_confirm";
var removeattach_confirm = "$lang->removeattach_confirm";
<a name="top"></a>
<img src="$theme[imgdir]/top.png" width="746" height="45" border="0" alt="" usemap="#top_Map">
<map name="top_Map">
<area shape="poly" alt="Help" coords="612,34, 640,13, 708,13, 690,34" href="$settings[bburl]/misc.php?action=help">
<area shape="poly" alt="Member List" coords="491,34, 514,13, 612,13, 580,34" href="$settings[bburl]/memberlist.php">
<area shape="poly" alt="Calendar" coords="373,34, 391,13, 491,13, 469,34" href="$settings[bburl]/calendar.php">
<area shape="poly" alt="Search" coords="243,33, 270,13, 358,13, 338,34" href="$settings[bburl]/search.php">
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div class="logo" align="center"><a href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]" alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0" /></a></div>

<hr class="hidden" />
<div id="panel">
<hr class="hidden" />
<br class="clear" />
<div id="content">
<br class="clear" />
oops I meant the index template. sorry Shy
LOL...Hey, thanks! It looks like it's fixed! Thanks a bunch! Big Grin

Makes me wonder why some of them wouldn't have that, when the original file was used to create the theme? But anyway, I appreciate the help! You've made my day!
Well, maybe it didn't find it when activating the plug-in, or you added the themes after you activated the plug-in. something like that anyways.
You are very welcomed Smile
Smile At least I know what to look for when I add more themes!