Hello friends, Look at the screenshot, I want to make a search button like that.and want to place it exactly where this man put his search button. I got
google search code for that.and want to put google search at this place.
any help???
What theme or website is that from?
of course mybb theme & the website is mybbextras
view the pages source code to see what he did for that particular item. it should be a simple float right div and the search box code in that inside the welcome block
I 'm new here.
can anybody give me some more instruction???
(2011-06-16, 04:29 PM)pyridine Wrote: [ -> ]Learn HTML and CSS.
good suggestion, I ll.
but help me now!!
I can't believe you have the audacity to copy someone's work, let alone ask someone else to do it for you. I won't help you, and I would consider anyone who does extremely nice.
@pyridine: he's not asking for the whole theme or anything like that, just how to add a similar item, and not even a mybb search box, but a simple google search one. nothing worse that what has been asked around here all the time.
I apologize, Aohor, I read your post thinking you wanted the exact search box.