2011-06-18, 03:55 PM
Pages: 1 2
2011-06-18, 04:09 PM
what exactly is your error ? do you have posts in subforums ?
2011-06-18, 04:22 PM
Look at the picture.
The Last Post section is missing.
OBS: it is when I look at the subforums. Not inside the subforums.
Link: Gamerstick.com
The Last Post section is missing.
OBS: it is when I look at the subforums. Not inside the subforums.
Link: Gamerstick.com
2011-06-18, 04:47 PM
may be a glitch with the current theme. make a thread in sub-forum(s) to check what last column shows..
2011-06-18, 05:16 PM
It still shows the same whenever if there is a post inside or not.
2011-06-18, 05:20 PM
try Rebuild Forum Counters from Tools & Maintenance --> Recount & Rebuild ...
2011-06-18, 05:52 PM
Sorry, it did not work.
I think it is the template forumdisplay_subforums:
I think it is the template forumdisplay_subforums:
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead" colspan="5" align="center"><strong>{$lang->sub_forums_in}</strong></td>
<td class="tcat" width="2%"> </td>
<td class="tcat" width="59%"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_forum}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" width="7%" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_threads}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" width="7%" align="center" style="white-space: nowrap"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_posts}</strong></span></td>
<td class="tcat" width="15%" align="center"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_lastpost}</strong></span></td>
<br />
2011-06-18, 06:04 PM
above is in correct format. can you post forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost
2011-06-18, 06:22 PM
Okay. Here is source of that.
<span class="smalltext">
<a href="{$lastpost_link}" title="{$full_lastpost_subject}"><strong>{$lastpost_subject}</strong></a>
<br />{$lastpost_date} {$lastpost_time}<br />{$lang->by} {$lastpost_profilelink}</span>
2011-06-18, 06:37 PM
^ it is also okay.. let's wait for an expert's response
Pages: 1 2